July 17, 2024

New York Members at Dresser-Rand Approve Ratify Effects Agreement

Nearly 250 members of IAM Local 1580 voted overwhelmingly to ratify an effects agreement with Siemens, ahead of the looming closure of the Dresser-Rand facility in Wellsville, NY. The agreement covers how workers will be compensated during and after the shutdown.

“It is unfortunate that these working men and women – the backbone of America, were faced with the important decision they had to make today,” said District 65 Directing Business Representative Ron Warner. “Thanks to the determination of the Negotiating Committee, and the support of this membership we were able to secure a package that extends the severance pay, and more importantly the continuation of medical coverage fully paid by the company. The deal also compensates the members in lieu of, but equal to a two-year pension contribution.”

“Although I am proud of what the negotiating committee was able to accomplish, we won’t quit fighting on our members behalf to keep these jobs here in Wellsville,” said Eastern Territory General Vice President Jimmy Conigliaro Sr. “The IAM will continue to work with elected officials to keep the work here, as it has been for generations.”

The IAM has represented workers at the plant since 1942.

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Source:: iMail