July 16, 2024

Martin Appointed Southern Territory Special Representative

IAM International President Bob Martinez has announced the appointment of Craig Martin to serve as Southern Territory Special Representative effective August 1, 2018.

“As Directing Business Representative of District 161 for the past decade, he’s made it clear to all, that the labor movement isn’t a job for Craig,” said Southern Territory General Vice President Mark A. Blondin. “He fights for workers because it’s ingrained in his DNA. That’s what makes him a perfect fit in the Southern Territory.”

Martin attended the Industrial Machine Shop Program at Sowela Technical Community College and began his career at PPG Industries in Lake Charles, LA as a machinist apprentice. He got involved right away and worked his way from Shop Steward at Local Lodge 470 to eventually taking on the position of Directing Business Representative of District 161 in August, 2008.

Martin held almost every union position available during his career including Local Lodge Communicator, President, District 161 Financial Secretary, President of Louisiana State Council of Machinist, Executive Board Member of the Southwest Louisiana Central Trades and Labor Council Executive Board Member of the Louisiana AFL-CIO from 2006 to the present.

The post Martin Appointed Southern Territory Special Representative appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail