July 17, 2024

Creating Women Leaders at the W3 Center

Over 30 IAM women gathered last week at the William W. Winpisinger Center in Hollywood, MD for the Women’s Leadership Program. Attendees learned how to form committees, conflict resolution, public speaking and much more.

The class was able to participate in a special edition of IAM Activate Live at IAM Headquarters.

General Secretary-Treasurer Dora Cervantes spoke with the participants about the necessity for women in leadership positions in the labor movement. Assistant Legislative Director Monica Silbas spoke with participants about legislative and political issues. Representatives from the Communications Department spoke about the importance of communicating with members, including on social media.

The Women’s, Human Rights and Young Workers Department will be hosting another Women’s Leadership Program in October 2018. The call letter and registration form will be mailed to all IAM Locals in the near future.

The post Creating Women Leaders at the W3 Center appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail