July 16, 2024

Ceraso Appointed to Head IAM Addiction Services

IAM International President Bob Martinez announced the appointment of Vinny Ceraso as Assistant Director of the IAM Employee Assistance Program and he will be in charge of IAM Addiction Services.

“Vinny Ceraso comes from our ranks and he brings valuable skills and experience to this new position in our union,” said Martinez. “I have great confidence he will help us better assist members and their families across the IAM struggling with alcoholism or drug addiction.”

IAM addiction services include assessment, placement into a treatment facility, follow up and aftercare. These services are available to all dues-paying IAM members and their eligible family members.

For assistance 24 hours a day, Ceraso can be contacted at 1-888-250-4IAM (4426).

Brother Ceraso has been in the addiction prevention field for nearly 25 years. He is a Certified Employee Assistance Professional, a Substance Abuse Professional, a Certified ARISE Interventionist, a Board Registered Interventionist (Level II), a Certified Intervention Specialist and a Critical Incident Stress Management Consultant.

Prior to his new position with the IAM, he was the Executive Director of the Members Assistance Program for Local 1776 in Philadelphia. He served as an auditor for the lodge for six years.

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Source:: iMail