July 17, 2024

Machinists Union Members Defeat Proposal Targeting DOD Workers, Contractors

IAM members recently helped defeat a dangerous proposal targeting Department of Defense (DOD) workers and contractors.

A radical attempt to excuse DOD from complying with the Service Contract (SCA) and Davis-Bacon Acts in the 2018 defense spending bill (NDAA) was defeated in the Senate Armed Services Committee. The proposal would have eliminated important wage, safety and health standards for working people on federal contracts.

IAM members made phones calls and sent emails to members of the Senate Armed Services Committee opposing this bad legislation.

“Without the protection afforded by these acts, companies will drive down wages and benefits in order to maximize profits,” said IAM International President Bob Martinez.

It’s anything but patriotic to go after the livelihoods of those supporting military service members #FY18NDAA #1u https://t.co/9tnUstxLTb

— Robert Martinez, Jr. (@IAMBobMartinez) June 28, 2017

U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly (IN) and others worked hard to aggressively fight back these attempts to gut workplace rights of DOD employees and contractors.

Every day, thousands of Machinists Union members support service men and women at military bases across the country. Many IAM members are veterans themselves.

IAM members will always oppose any attempt to risk national security by slashing rights for DOD workers and contractors.

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Source:: iMail