July 17, 2024

Call Now: American Health Care Act Jeopardizes Working Families

Please call your representative this morning and tell them not to take away health coverage from working families. Our workplace coverage should not be gutted while the wealthy gain tax breaks.Call your Representative at 866-829-3298, and please tell them to vote “No” on the AHCA.

How the American Health Care Act Jeopardizes Working Families:

  • Working people pay more for less care
  • Tax breaks for rich
  • Cuts pre-existing condition protections
  • Throws millions off coverage
  • Senior costs skyrocket
  • Keeps a 40 percent excise tax on employer-provided plans in place

“While Obamacare has some flaws that need to be addressed by Congress, the American Health Care Act takes America back to the days when health care was a privilege based on wealth,” said IAM International President Bob Martinez. “This is not what Americans want or voted for and the IAM opposes the AHCA because all Americans should have quality, affordable health care.”

Read Martinez’s full letter to Congress.

Call your Representative at 866-829-3298, and please tell them to vote “No” on the AHCA.

The post Call Now: American Health Care Act Jeopardizes Working Families appeared first on IAMAW.

Source:: iMail